
Showing posts from February, 2015

My mind is an ocean

My mind is an ocean To her all the world does flow On the surface that may cause motion But she is still deep down below There is nothing she doesn't embrace She encompasses all Whatever she may face She faces and stands tall The ocean does not discriminate It takes in all you give It's always in the same state just live and let live The ocean does not go anywhere It has no future and no past It has always been there And forever it will last Come and sit by my side, my dear And watch the waves roll in And when you've overcome your fear You can begin to swim

Mister Loneliness

There was a man whose name was loneliness. He was kind of an ordinary man, the one you would not really notice when you were sitting opposite him on the metro, grey nondescript suit, glasses, nondescript haircut, nondescript leather suitcase. Everyday he got home from work, Mister Loneliness would sit at his window and look outside, contemplating the world, looking at cars driving by, people passing, falling rain lit up by on orange streetlight on a cold an dreary evening. Sometimes he would see people stopping and saying hello to each other, but never for long. Sometimes he would see couples passing by holding hands, but not often. He never really understood what that meant, in fact, that is still saying too much, his mind would not even register it as special. They were just like the cars passing by. He could feel quite comfortable at times, sitting there in his warm and cosy sofa. Sometimes you might even say he felt something like – really? – happiness. But still, there was somethi...