
I surrender. Today 23th of November shall henceforth be known as the day of Armistice, the day I stopped fighting. I have been fighting so long. So long I have been building walls and fortresses. And everyday I kept making the walls thicker, hiding deeper and deeper inside, until nothing could touch me anymore. But still, no matter how hard I tried, the fortress was never untakable. Each time I increased the defenses, something was still able to creep in and I had to increase defenses again. On and on it went, until...
Until I realized that this was a battle I could never win, in fact, there was no point in fighting it at all. Why was I hiding there in my fortress, while life was going out there? So I decided to abandon my fortress and just go out. I decided I would no longer hide away from anything, but would accept whatever would come, surrendering completely to whatever was coming my way.
And you know what is funny? Never when I was crouching behind my thick walls in my tightly controlled fortress, did I ever feel so free, did I ever feel so safe.


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