Sweet Yoga Girl

 A Lovesong with a Twist

Sometimes - not often - inspiration comes to me in the form of a pop/folk song. It is not the form of expression I am most familiar with (I am not the greatest singer or musician to say the least), but I like this form of expression nonetheless. I can communicate serious ideas, but at the same time, pop songs have this kind of lightheartedness to them that encourages me not to take myself to seriously. So my songs always have different levels to them. On one level I am sharing deep truths, but on the other hand I am also questioning myself and trying to put things into perspective. In this way I also want to encourage people to look beyond outward appearances, and to move beyond black and white thinking.

So this particular song is inspired by my own life, I do feel attracted to other spiritual practitioners, because, for me, that is something that I want to share, nourish and deepen in the context of a relationship. Yet, on the other hand, those practitioners are not always attracted to me in the same way, which has caused me suffering and heartbreak in the past. So this song is an attempt to not get too caught up in the desires that arise in the spiritual path, and being too attached to outer forms (and postures), which of course ends up blocking you on your path.

It is also a lighthearted, but well intended ode to all yoginis and female practitioners. I see and honor the beauty and divine feminine in you. At the same time I am also trying to be critical of how yoga nowadays is often presented in a way that is very attached to physical beauty and outer appearance.


I saw her one morning she was greeting the sun
The brightest light, outshining everyone
I was captured by the way she moved
Patanjali he just had to approve

I will follow you wherever you go
I’ll bend double, jump to and fro
I will balance for you like a tree
Come yoga girl do your yoga with me


Sweet yoga girl
I love the way you twist and twirl
Up and down the mat you go
Om namo, I love her so

Sweet yoga girl
You make my deepest dreams unfurl
Yoga means union of you and me
Our love goes down in history

I started practicing day and night
Trying to flex my asana
I was trying to push it too far
And pulled the muscles of my heart

My yoga girl I never saw her again
I should’ve know right there and then
She was out of reach for me
I couldn’t even touch my toes you see




She was my teacher, she thought me one thing
To overcome my suffering
And for me a yogi to be
I had to be from my desire free

Still every time, I sit on that mat
I reach for her, no I can’t forget
My arms I keep stretching and folding
But her, I know, I’ll never be holding

The inspiration for this particular song came to me when I was staying into a community, and one morning I saw a beautiful young woman doing yoga there, and felt very touched by that. But she left the next day and I never even had a chance to talk to her.


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