A Walk With God


A Walk with God

Last night i went for a walk with God
And as He held my hand, we talked

I asked: ‘Where do we go from here, what is the direction?
When do we arrive and achieve perfection?

He said: ‘There is nowhere to go, nothing to fear
Everything you need is already here

Look through my eyes and you will see
I am in you and you are in Me

Everything you touch is already Divine
With every step you reach this Kingdom of mine’


And as we strolled a bit further down
I could not help but for my face to frown:

‘Lord but there is, so much suffering and pain
In this crazy old world, how can we stay sane?’

‘The road is long and windy, and it’s easy to get lost
If you want to reach your goal, there will be a cost

There is hardship and struggle on the way
But to find your destination, it is worth to pay

The toll to reach the other shore
Arrive in peace and suffer no more’


His answer made me stumble and wince
I could not say I was fully convinced:

‘Where is this place you keep talking about
Where all my troubles seem over and out?’

‘There is only one place, that is your true home
It is inside, no matter where you roam

You may not yet see it, with your own eyes
So continue your path and do what is wise

When the time is ripe, it will all be revealed
And in that moment, you will know what is real’


Then i looked up and it made me smile
And we continued to walk silently for a while

The sun started to set, he said: ‘I must leave you and go
Continue to walk, my child, faithful and slow

Walk in the light, do not fear the dark
Deep within you, lies the divine spark

Continue to walk, my child, walk and be free
And whenever you wish, come walk, just walk with Me’


  1. In this poem i tried to explore the shared space between the Christian language i grew up with and the Buddhist teachings of Thich Nhat Hanh, more specifically his practice of walking meditation. I tried to find a common language that doesn't belong to any particular tradition, but could encompass all ways of relating with the Divine.


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