We Are One (A new song)

 Here's a little song i wrote about oneness and non-duality.

I am the sky, I am the wind I am its sweet soft whispering I am the Earth I am the moon This is her song this is her tune That has no beginning and no end I hope one day you understand All the answers are within That’s why I am singin’ CHORUS We are one, we are one We are one, we are one I am the light, I am the dark This is the calling of the lark In the dawn before we rise To see a new sun rise With all our joy and all our pain Nothing to lose nothing to gain So break free from these bars And sing with open hearts CHORUS Let us walk hand in hand And together we will stand We’re emotion, we are love A higher force from up above A new song in a new key To take these chains and set us free I am you and you are me Let us sing in harmony CHORUS A new day now will come Where we will all live as one This is the voice deep inside That no longer wants to hide So let’s stop to pretend I am your brother,* I am your friend We are united in this song Let’s sing it on and on and on

*Replace with sister or sibling, when singing if needed


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